Friday, April 18, 2008


Spring is in the air here, and I am so happy that winter is over. I love spring everything feels so fresh and alive and you just feel like singing.

Kiwi Pie and suchness

Today was a very uneventfull day on the farm. Nothing new happened until I finally decided to mix some excitement into my day. So I decided to Play Basket ball all by myself, didn't go so well though as I ended up chassing the ball more than shooting it. so finally I gave up and went to look for soemhting else to doa nd there i found the unspecting victim, a whole box of Kiwi's and so I decided I was going to make Kiwi pie. Now if you know me I am not a baker Just check out my post about my brothers birthdya cake and you'll understand what I mean. But lo and behold after I had covered myself and the kitchen in flour and other ingredients my Kiwi pie turned out. It looks great and I'm sure it will taste wonderful, you see I haven't actually gotten up the courage to taste it yet it looks so good that I don't want to ruin it. Well there ar ethe events of my uneventful day on my Farm.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Today I made a resolution, you see every day I realize I haven't updated my blog recently and so I tell myself I need to do that but the day rolls by it just dosen't fit in. And so I go about my weeks needing to post, feeling condemed cause I haven't posted, and still not posting. So I've decided that I will no longer feel condemed about not posting, after all this is my blog and I have evey right to post when I feel like it and when I don't. But I promise you that I will try and update but I won't feel condenmed about it. Now I had some really funny pics I was going to post but I couldn't find them, so i will find them and post them for your viewing pleasure shortly until then I wish you all well.