Saturday, October 02, 2010

10 years from now!

Ten years from now who's to say where we will be, life like a colinder tends to shift us through like sand and we fall into the ocean of forever.
Ten years from now I probably won't still be thinking of you, wondering about you, hoping for you.
Ten years from now you will be a faint memory of a time long ago and far away spoken of with fondness and pain.
Ten years from now we won't be the same people we are now we will have changed and time will have battered and bruised us up more.
Ten years from now I will laugh at the pain I feel now because I will think how young and stupid I was.
But this is not ten years from now, this is now and time has not yet dulled the memory of you. I know that what happened is past and I cannot change it but I still wonder about you, I still think of you and wish for you. Give me ten years and I will not remember much of this but as it is now I remember everything, every touch, every kiss, every word. Its not easy to let go though I know if I do it will fade away into the past. I'm not through caring, I'm not through with wanting, but give me ten years and I will be!