Friday, April 15, 2011

Just another fall....but I will rise again!

Sometimes in life we reach moments where it seems the burden life has placed on our shoulders is too heavy, too cumbersome, too much and we fall. All the things we've been holding on too, all the sanity, and the "positive" attitude just washes away and we are left with the loneliness, the tears, and the failure. How do we stand after this? Where do we get the strength to stand and forget everything? How do we gather up our losses and carry on?
I reached one of these moments last night, I just broke, all the strength I'd been trying to hold on too for the last few months just went away and I cried like I haven't in a long time. I don't know if it was a long time in coming, or if there was just one specific thing that brought it on but whatever it was I fell.
For so long I have been fighting to get where I want, to follow my dreams, and to make something of myself and with that comes the responsibilities, the stress, and of course the failures. Somehow though time and time again I get back up and I go again, like a petulant child who just won't give up on the candy they want so bad. Somewhere in me is something that pushes me forward everyday that eggs me on every time I fall. Whether it is strength or pure insanity I know not, but no matter what it is its there.
Loneliness, pain, loss they are all just part of life but just as they are part of life so is strength, courage, and happiness. I believe that when you reach the lowest part of what is you is when you find the strongest part of you that core that won't give up no matter what hits them. These times we hit are not really failure at all they are setbacks and setbacks are meant to be overcome!


ren said...

Yep, you will rise again.