Sunday, February 20, 2011

I have a dream!

I have a dream of where I want to be, of what I want to do, a dream so big and beautiful it scares me to think of it.
The process to accomplishing this dream is a very long and arduous journey, its so far away I can't even see it I can just imagine it.
We all have dreams not just small dreams but big dreams, dreams we seldom tell anyone because they are so big we are scared lest they come to naught.
Sometimes I'm worried that in the pursuit of my dreams I will miss out on my life, we've all heard the saying life is what happens while we are busy making other plans. I fear that will be me, I'm so worried that while I'm busy planning for my life and striving to get there all that is around me will just pass away.
I'm scared that if I dare to dream of more, that the chase of that will cause me to miss out on everything else.
Life moves so fast time passes and days turn to weeks weeks turn to months which then turn to years. At one point or another we all look back and realize that while we were dreaming and planning and striving we have also been living.
I don't think that life is about finding your dream I think life is about the journey you take to that dream.
For what is a man without a goal to strive for, yet in that striving lets not forget to take the time to look around us and realize that we are living!