Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Living in a pioneer home is challenging to put it in nice pretty flowery words or word. In moving here I knew I was going to be moving to a pioneer situation but having lived the last six years in a pioneer situation I figured I'd be just fine. I figured I had pasted that grade and I could do it again no problem maybe it would even be fun this time around. Oh boy was I ever wrong, I don't care what anyone else says no matter how many times you've pioneered and started out a home it never gets any easier. You could do it a hundred times but no matter what if you did it again it would still be hard. Pioneering is just plain nitty gritty in your face peddle to the metal sweaty grueling hard work, but you know what else its worth it. Because for every cloud that blocks the sun there is a silver lining, and for every tunnel that you struggle through there is always a light at the end. Pioneering may be work but the pay off is sweet, and in the end the endless hours you put into the home will come back to you in the form of a smooth running bonded home and winning team with goals, vision, and a flock to show for it.
( I'm really hoping this is one of those times where I'm super right on, Grin.)