Saturday, September 19, 2009

Flying all alone!

Tomorrow I fly out to Texas for the FDTP, and for only the second time in my life I am doing it all on my own. Don't ask me why but flying makes me nervous even when I'm with someone else but when I'm not it makes me even more nervous. I think its because I've watched to many documentaries on planes and plane crashes it just freaks me out. Anyway so yeah I face my fears tomorrow and I fly, wish me luck and keep me in your prayers! Hopefully I won't get a panic attack or anything, :)!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Due to many miracles, prayers, petitions, and some wonderful loving giving people I have been enabled to attend FDTP! I am so excited I will have have and relax and retank on the word and do all those other nice things. I won't be on for a while so don't go and miss me too much, Love and prayers are with you all and I will up date post pics and all those wonderful things as soon as I get back! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

That training course..

Due to my wonderful home voting me into the humble position of manager I have had the privilige of going through the HMTP course and its been wonderful. Its full of wonderful insights and imformation that is helping me to become a better manager and people person. All hail those who put it together its amazing, and a big thanks to peter for recording the audios. I always look forward to my managing devotions its great to sit down and listen to peters soothing voice telling me all manner of good things, I affectionatly call it my time with peter. and thats all I have to say about that.

The latest and greatest!

Well here I am with up dates of my life, I have been a busy little home member busing around and filling in the slots needed to be filled.
Some of the parents went last week to the PMA graduation in vegas so I stayed home and subsitute parented for them. I believe I have found a cure to those femnine urges girls get when they see a baby. I have dubbed it "rent-a-baby" its a service where when a couple or single is thinking of having a baby they rent a baby for a week or so. Believe me at the end of that week if you still want a child than you are meant to be parents and if not well lets just say its probable also the solution to over population. It's pure genious I tell you!
Anyway yes it was a long week, and than came the day I wait for all week WNR and I spent the whole entire day doing nothing but lying in bed sleeping, reading, and eating. It was a well deserved break and I enjoyed it immensly, its been to long since I had one of those days considering the last few WNR's have been filled with moving rooms, cleaning said rooms, and going out with friends.
Oh and my excitement for the month is that do to the love and giving spirit of my felow home members and others I am going to be able to attend the FDTP this month. I am thrilled beyond words, I am also going to spend a week at my brothers home visting all my family who I haven't see in a while! All in all I am a very happy girl!!!
Another thing that is making me very happy is that a smart and very giving person is attempting to fix my way-ward computer for me. I am deeply indepted to him, ( thank you Nick)!
Right now my life is pretty swell I'll let you know if theres any change, love and prayers coming your way!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Were all going to heaven....

( I woke up this morning to Zara urgently calling my name and telling me she has something important to tell me here is what in sued I couldn't stop laughing so I thought I should post it:)
Zara: TIFFANY!!!!
Me: Yes Zara, what is it?
Zara: Did you know that we are all going to heaven.
Me: Yes I know if we ask Jesus in our heart than we can go to heaven.
Zara: Yes and we are going to fly all the way to the sun because that's where god is.
Me: How do you know god is in the sun?
Zara: Because god is like the sun.
Me chuckling: Oh so because god is like the sun the sun is god.
Zara: Yes, and did you know when we go to heaven we are going to leave our ugly clothes behind and god is going to give us a pretty party dress and than we are going to have a big tea party with Jesus cause he likes to be with girls.
Me laughing: Oh he does, and who will be at this tea party?
Zara: Oh everyone, me and Brooke and Carla and Ella and all our friends and maybe even the boys if they want to be with girls.
Me: And what will the boys who don't want to be with girls do?
Zara: Well they will have a boy party with god cause he dosen't like to be with girls.
Me laughing hysterically: How do you know that?
Zara: Because he told me.
I couldn't stop laughing after that, she was in such ernest as if she was sharing the secrets of the world, gotta love them kids!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Carry that Cross!

Complainingly I told myself,
"This cross is too heavy to wear"
And I wondered discontentedly
Why God gave it to me to bear.

And I looked with envy at others
Whose crosses seemed lighter than mine
And wished that I could change my cross
For one of a lighter design.

And then, in a dream, I beheld the cross
I impulsively wanted to wear,
It was fashioned of pearls & diamonds
And gems that were precious & rare.

And when I hung it around my neck
The weight of the jewels & the gold
Was much too heavy & cumbersome
For my small, slender neck to hold--

So I tossed it aside & before my eyes
Was a cross of rose-red flowers
And I said with delight as I put it on,
"This cross I can wear for hours"

For it was so dainty & fragile,
So lovely & light & thin,
But I had forgotten about the thorns
That started to pierce my skin

And then in my dream I saw "my cross,"
Rugged & old & plain,
That clumsy old cross I had looked upon
With discontented disdain--

And at last I knew that God had made
This "special cross for me"
For God in His great wisdom knew
What I before could not see,

That often the loveliest crosses
Are the heaviest crosses to bear,
For only God is wise enough
To choose the cross we can wear

So never complain about your cross
For your cross has been blest
God made it just for you to wear
And remember, God knows best!

Monday, September 07, 2009


Over the course of my life I have had so many built up hopes and dreams some have come to pass some haven't. I always have this idea of how things are going to come out how its all going to go down. But if there is anything that the lord has been drilling into my head this year is that no matter what dreams of visions you have if they are not his plans for you than you have to let them go. I had so many ideas of how my first move was going to go and how it was all going to play out. But ever since arriving each and every idea I had built up in my head has been smashed to smithereens and replaced with his ideas. Its been a humbling experience but its been good its been teaching me to have more faith in the lord and to know that he has a plan and if I would just follow it than I will be happier in the end. Sometimes its hard to let go of the built up plan you have in your head but when I do I find that the plan the lord has for me was much better and end up making me even happier. Things are changing and what once would have scared me as it didn't fit with the "plan" I had in my head is now not so scary because I know its all going to work out because its part of the lords plan and nothing can go wrong when I am following him.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Comfort Zone.

Get out of your comfort zone. You won't know what you're capable of until you try to go beyond what you've done before.

Thursday, September 03, 2009


There are so many aspects that we think make up a perfect life, there's your work life something everyone has got to have to be able to live, than there's your personal life ( keeping up with friends, or a special someone if you have that, cleaning your room etc.), than theres you spiritual life and time with the lord. I have found that keeping up with all of these is just dang hard work and I ahve often found that when I get one aspect taken care of another falls apart ( just walk in my room and you will have proof of this). Anyway I have found that the key to this is just to breath there is no way to have every aspect of your life covered perfectly unless perhaps you have the ausome ability to make time stand still ( i'm working on honing this skill). I just relax and take each day as it comes I try to cover all the bases and do what I can and what I can't I leave be, stressing will rarely help anything. Of course you don't want to just laze around and not do anything but as long as your giving each aspect your best shot than leave the rest be. No one is perfect and no one lives a perfect life but you can live a pretty good one as long as you don't go through life worried about all your missing and instead enjoy what you are doing.
This is my philosify and I'm sticking to it ( that is until I walk in my room and start stressing about the mess but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it).

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

It's gone!

Well, here's the recent news I went out and cut my hair and for some reason layered in spanish means really short. Here's some pics, its pretty bad but its been really nice in the heat so praise the lord.

In other news I am still computer less and missing it oh so very much, computers are pure evil they make you addicted and than break right at your height of addiction. I shall love my computer so heartily when it returns from its little vacation, perhaps I shall even promise to clean its screen every day.
Other than that I am alive kicking and well, for now at least, you never know what could happen.