Thursday, January 21, 2010


Life has been like a roller coaster lately with so many up and down emotions I almost felt sick to my stomach. But I was reading something this morning that really spoke to me, it was saying something about accepting the things that happen in life and being happy for them whether good or bad. I started looking over at my life of the last few weeks seeing everything that had been happening some good, some disappointing, some bad, and I realized something. I could either take all the dissapionting and bad things and let them bring me down and than take all the good things and go way up or I could just lump them all together accept whatever happens as a part of life and stay up all the time. Yeah sure its hard to accept the good and the bad together and not let one bring you down but I think the secret lies in accepting that life is never going to be all good. There are going to be bad and dissapointing times there are going to be times that you hate your life and and times when you love it. But rather than getting all sad that life isn't good we can just accept the bad times as part of life look for what we can gain and learn from them and accept them for what they are, just another part of what we as humans have to go through. I have resolved to try and accept everything that comes up in my life and to take the good from it and move on without looking at it in a negative light. I have decided to accept!