Sunday, June 24, 2007

City life!!!

I'm in NY city for a few days doing fundriasing, I was supposed to be here for ten but thank the lord plans changed. But just being here for a few days has shown me how thankful i turly am that we don't live here but just stay here during the weekend. I never truly realize and appreciate the remoatness of my home until I've been here for a few days. Its true i would be very glad if we lived near to somethign other than the local library and a bery small gas station, but I am so thankful that there is no smog no huge buildings to mar the beauty of the landstape and most of all nobady cussing swearing or yealling ont he top of there lungs. I can now truly say I am very thankful for the cow farm we live next to and i must saw cow smells a whole lot better that car fumes.


Anonymous said...

As I am of oposite opinion... this city slicker is forced to agree with you about the better... It takes some getting used to, but I've been learning to dig it, with extreem praise.
Love ya

out peace

Kelsey Noble said...

Tiffy you need to post something, you havent posted since June. I miss reading your blog. Love you.