Monday, June 04, 2007

Singing in the rain!!!

Well, I've made a fool of myself once again I did something kInda absent minded and then realized what a fool I was. It had been raining for like a week straight so there wasz finally a let up and I dedcided that this would be the opportun time to take a nice long walk. So I got my MP3 out and started out I walked for about half an hour totally oblivious of the clouds moving in. Suddenly I felt a light sprokle starting and started home but it was to late and soon it was pouring rain and by pouring I mean POURING. So i'm walking along in the pouring rain completly drenched and feeling like a fool, when suddenly right in front of me this car pulls up with four young guys sitting in it and thats when my heart starts pounding. So I slowly side step them and pray with all my heart that there not going to kidnap me or somesuchness. But nothing happened and after I walked by they drove off and I kept walking I got about two minutes down the road and I realize what a comical stiuation I was in I'm walking down the road in the pouring rain completly drenched and worrying about being kidnapped. I started laughing super hard and can only imagine what a strange weirdo I looked like standing there drenched and laughing on top of it.


Kelsey Noble said...

Haha, yeap that is pretty funny. *grin*