Sunday, June 24, 2007

City life!!!

I'm in NY city for a few days doing fundriasing, I was supposed to be here for ten but thank the lord plans changed. But just being here for a few days has shown me how thankful i turly am that we don't live here but just stay here during the weekend. I never truly realize and appreciate the remoatness of my home until I've been here for a few days. Its true i would be very glad if we lived near to somethign other than the local library and a bery small gas station, but I am so thankful that there is no smog no huge buildings to mar the beauty of the landstape and most of all nobady cussing swearing or yealling ont he top of there lungs. I can now truly say I am very thankful for the cow farm we live next to and i must saw cow smells a whole lot better that car fumes.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!!!!

Well, I know its highly unusual for someone to post about themselves on their birthday but well I just couldn't resist. Its my Birthday today WO HO!!!! I was born Sixteen years ago in copenhagen, denmark at seven fifty-two on June 21st 1991, Long time ago. My mom says that when i came out the nurse took me and while she was washing me up started talking to me in danish, when my mom looked at her she said don't worry she's danish, Hee Hee!!! I wonder if that nurse knew soemthing I didn't ( alright mom which milk man was it this time ) i'm just kidding. anyhue, its my sweet sixteenth birthday and wonder of wonders there is no one here to celebrate everyone left, well praise the lord!!!! well those were my brithday thoughts you know a few tidbits...anyone want to wish me a happy birthday or anything else is more than welcome. TTFN, i'll be waiting.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Baby sitting!!!

Well, my suicide has begun The SGA's in our home have gone to the PEP and I am filling in with their kids as their mother/father. I have found some amazing things out through having been with them a lot recently and I can't say I will ever be the same again. One of the most important things I have discovered is that parenting is loads of WORK. Not that I didn't know that before ( I have done this a couple of times) but I guess after having been with them for a day and knowing I have a week more of it is kinda daunting to say the least. I now truly respect our hard working parent and am positive that I do not plan to have kids of my own for a least another ten years or more. Second thing I found out and this is not as monumental kids rarely if ever stay still when they sleep. I was sleeping with the youngest of the trio in the parents bed and she started out sleeping beside me and ended up at the end of the bed with her feet kicking me not mention all night she was kicking and contorting into millions of strange positions. Third and last thing I have found out is that kids know how get on your nerves and then right before your going to explode smile or say the most adorable thing. Its really annoying because your super mad and your about to yell and right then they look at you and say something adorable and you just melt. Anyway her are some Pics of my foster kids for the week...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ryans Post!

I'm with ryan ( my nephew) right now and he wants to sa something so here he is...

I love daddy and mommy! and braden always shares his toys. thats all...ryan loves all his toys. Bye.

couldn't have said it better my self.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Wacky hair!

This picture speaks for it self...

Boring Blog?

I’ve gotten quite a few comments about my blog being boring and that I should post more as well as read many peoples blogs who are quite boring as well. And well I just had the burden laid on my heart that I should look at my blog from and outsiders view. And when I did I found a most amazing discovery…( drum roll please)…my blog IS really boring, whew glad I got that off my chest. But now the problem hits me like a ton of bricks how do I make it more exciting…on this I am truly stumped. Do I post more pictures do I write more stuff…do I…write about babies (That seems to be a going topic). I am still truly stumped…if you have any ideas of how I can make this blog a bit more…exciting…please do not hesitate to comment and let me know what you think. I probably will not put your suggestions to practice but it will be nice to hear them.

P.S. if you think this blog is perfectly fine the way it is please also comment it will be great to know who really enjoys reading this blog.

Hair cut!

Well, I’ve finally gone and done it…I’ve been thinking of doing it for awhile and so I finally did it. I cut my hair, most of you probably already know that but I thought I should let all those who don’t know…know… if you can catch my drift…any hue here are some pics of it if you haven’t seen it yet.

Singing in the rain!!!

Well, I've made a fool of myself once again I did something kInda absent minded and then realized what a fool I was. It had been raining for like a week straight so there wasz finally a let up and I dedcided that this would be the opportun time to take a nice long walk. So I got my MP3 out and started out I walked for about half an hour totally oblivious of the clouds moving in. Suddenly I felt a light sprokle starting and started home but it was to late and soon it was pouring rain and by pouring I mean POURING. So i'm walking along in the pouring rain completly drenched and feeling like a fool, when suddenly right in front of me this car pulls up with four young guys sitting in it and thats when my heart starts pounding. So I slowly side step them and pray with all my heart that there not going to kidnap me or somesuchness. But nothing happened and after I walked by they drove off and I kept walking I got about two minutes down the road and I realize what a comical stiuation I was in I'm walking down the road in the pouring rain completly drenched and worrying about being kidnapped. I started laughing super hard and can only imagine what a strange weirdo I looked like standing there drenched and laughing on top of it.