Monday, May 04, 2009

I am happy....oh so happy!

I am oh so happy right now. I got my new computer this week which is oh so very snazzy. Its an HP with a 350 gig hard drive and 3 gigs of ram a sixteen inch screen ( which I can see all of), and I got it for a really great deal. I know all you computed nerds are going to try and throw a big bucket of cold water on me right now and say its not that great but I like it so don't even try. I think its the beginnings of true love and I hope me and my computer have a long and healthy relationship. Here is a pic just so you can soak up the splendor which is mine.
I other news I am having my WNR tomorrow and getting my hair cut, Whoptidue ( I have no idea if that is a real word)!!! I am getting my hair cut for a change as I'm getting bored of the hair I have now, I'll let you see it as soon as I get pics. And I'm having WNR because well as they say and on the seventh day god rested, so seeing as we are all trying to be more christ like I am going to follow his wise example. I have now filled you in on all my happenings and am going to leave you with one last thought....
"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."
- Proverb