Friday, May 29, 2009

Another post!

Wow I don't think I've been this faithful to post in awhile I guess there's just so much going on I have things to say.
Have you ever just surfed random blogs for the fun of it? I do that all the time I don't even know the person and I just go on their blog, which is cool because I can be up on all the latest gossip so if for some reason someone mentions them to me I can know who they are and have a full run down on all their activities. But other than that I just go on peoples blog more for the reason that the people I know rarely post so I must seek other fellow blogger's who do.
In other news I went last night to do some more pick ups, we went to this Brazilian restaurant that donate the leftover food from their buffet. While we were waiting I talked to the bartender who was the only who spoke English and he was telling me about how he worked in NY, and as is the tendency of anyone who lives in NY we started talking about the terrible winters. I must say the winters in NY are something I am definitely not going to miss. So after that we picked up the food and driving back to the house we have to go up this really steep hill and you can see Ensenada all spralled out with the sparkling lightes it was pretty gorgeous, another time I just wish I had a camara.


cell said...

you have a spelling error on here. See if you can find it! I love you