Friday, September 07, 2007

One Day

It was one of those days my hair was a mess, my clothes were stained, my nerves were frazzeld, and I was sure I had the largest bags under my eyes that you ever saw. It was nap time I was dead tired and the kids wouldn't sleep, I felt like an old maid. Finally nap ended and Iwent to cook dinner I tryed to make a quick exit but before I could Brooke ( one of the little girls I was caring for) called for me "Tiffy" she said., "What Brooke?" I asked gruffly, she paused looked at me smiled the most adorable smile and said "Tiffy, I love you." My heart melted at that no matter how ugly you feel or how frazzeled your nerves are that will melt your heart. Whenever I feel tired or just plain sick of kids I remember that adorable smile and those beautiful words and it makes it all worth it.


Rosita said...

Oh, that's so sweet! I sure know what those kind of days feel like. Don't get discouraged.
Love you!

Kelsey Noble said...

Woah man, I had a day just like that today, *giggle*.