Sunday, December 30, 2007

I miss my home!!!

I miss that beautiful wonderful property up there. Yes that is my house and I miss it. Its so beautiful and quiet, no loud annoying people playing loud annoying music on their loud annoying speakers. ( Yes thats alot of loud annoying things.) I miss the kids, I miss my room, and my beautiful bed. Oh i can't wait to go home tomorrow. (Taps red heels together and chants " I wish i were home, I wish I were home.")


21 Things Not To Do At A Hostage Negotiation

As Hostage Taker:

1. Demand to speak only with FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana

2. Have one of the hostages hold your gun while you make a quick
trip to the bathroom.

3. Let one hostage go to the bathroom. When he doesn't return,
send the others to see what's taking him so long.

4. Agree to let the hostages go, after doing so, make your

5. Rig the building to explode if someone tries to go through the
door, then remember that you forgot to lock your car and leave
the room.

6. Confuse the detonator for your explosive booby-traps with your
garage door opener.

7. Tell the negotiator that you'd rather choke on tear gas than
let the hostages go.

8. Allow one of the hostages to win possession of your gun
because of a rock paper scissors tournament.

9. Forget your gun at home.

10. Run away bawling like a baby when one of your hostages calls
you a "meanie".

As Negotiator:

1. Ask the hostage taker if he/she would like to go to dinner
after the stand-off.

2. When hearing the demands suddenly yell into the phone, "It's
always you you you! What about my needs?!"

3. When you call the hostage taker, tell him you'd like a large
thick crust pepperoni and snicker loudly.

4. Show up stoned and don’t do anything at all.

5. When the hostage taker lists his demands yell into the phone
"La la la la! I can't hear you!"

6. Mention how much income tax the hostage taker will have to pay
if he/she gets the F-15 he/she wants.

7. Tell the hostage taker that you think Rosanne Barr should play
him in the TV movie of the stand-off.

8. Tell the hostage taker you think it would be really cool if a
hostage came flying out of a 52nd story window.

9. Tell the hostage taker that he must convert to Hindu if he
wants you to deal with him.

10.When the hostage taker agrees to let the hostages go tell him,
"You're never gonna be on COPS with a wussy attitude like that."

Christmas time!?

Yes, don't tell me I'm overly late in wishing you all a merry christmas, in fact there's really no use in wishing you one because its already gone but oh well. Christmas this year was...special. I felt more like a scrooge than anything else. I was gone on the fundriasing push for ten days and came back christmas eve fully exchausted and really seriously wishing to never ever EVER see a car light again. I spent christmas cleaning and cooking a huge dinner mostly by my self, which of course had all its beautiful little mess ups. Like raw boiled potatoes ( its a skill to make these almost impossible really), uncooked meat, late dinners, and etc. Than after a half day rest day its back again for my facvorite past time...( drum roll please) ligthing. Yes, out here again for yet another weekend of funraising, let me tell you what I REALLY hate lights. This is turning into a really grumpy post which is really not nice. actually its not so bad being down here has its fun times, its laughs, its niceties, and yes its tireing times too. But overall i'm just thankful i've lived through yet another year, that all my family is still here and we've grown by a few more. I'm thankful for all the wonderful things i've gotten to do this year, for the wonderful people i've met, for the fun times i've had. I'm so very thankful for the changes i've made this year, and most of all i'm thankful for another year with jesus. Happy Birthday Jesus, your the reason for the season.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The concert jungle?

Despite the many things about this city that make it somewhat undesirable to some I have grown a soft spot for it. Its got its charm in some ways. I actually quite like it, its got something about it that gives its something special. I ecspecially like the people its such a wide mix you can just sit there and watch all kinds of strange people pass and no one even looks twice at them. Its great, new york has definitly created its own soft spot.

The Perfect Home.

It seems my wandering days have now ended
This gypsy's got to stop his roam
Time to establish a lasting work
But, first to find "The Perfect Home."

Lets start with on fire outreachers
A dozen world shiners will do
All of them single with no children
Ready to witness the whole day through.

Four top-notch hard working handymen
With a full line of new power tools
And a stock of endless material
Let them start with a brand new pool.

Finances -give me abundance
Kings, windfalls -we'll never run short
Clear off the back lot tomorrow
And make us a new tennis court.

Teens without any problems
JETTs on JJT all the day
Babies content and so quiet
Young kids that always obey.

The best teachers and cooks and drivers
Old friends, and those who provision
All the sexiest sisters I know
Now I'm really getting the vision.

Plenty of live music when needed
Inspirations by Jeremy and Vas
Outreach always on Easy Street
The best Home that ever there was.

How shall I find them I wonder?
I know, through the website I'll comb
I just don't think I can make it
Unless it's the most perfect Home.
- - -
But what of the simple folks I now live with?
I might miss their funny little ways
We have grown a lot together
Should I let some of them stay?

Their kids can behave like such rascals
And sometimes bring me to tears
But they have grown a lot since I met them
And made progress all through the years.

They are quite faithful daily plodders
And do the very best that they can
Would the grass really be greener
In my imaginary far off land?

Could it be that God's idea of perfection
Is very much different from mine?
Have my goals become self centered?
Am I the one way out of line?

Maybe I need a little more perfecting
Is Gods way up still the way down?
Does He really choose those little people
To give the biggest and bestest of crowns?

Lord help me be yielded and loving
Doing my best to give all
And trust You fully and wholly
To follow wherever You call.

It seems You have chosen the foolish
To confound the world full of wise
And the place where You have now set me
May be my blessing in disguise.

Maybe I don't need to go searching
For gold that may turn out to be chrome
I may already have the right makings
That for me is the Most Perfect Home.

10 reasons why Jesus is perfect for me.

#1. He can read my thoughts, and he still sticks around.
#2. He see's me at my worst, and never says a word.
#3. I can be the ugliest and fattest I've ever been and he still says I'm beautiful.
#4. I can croak out songs to him in my most off key voice and he loves it.
#5. I can be anywhere in the world and never move away from him.
#6. I can come up with any queston and he still has an answer for me.
#7. He never laughs at my stupid jokes and dumb moves.
#8. He can be anything that I need.
#9. He's paitient and tender but still has a stern rebuke.

but the number one reason that he is just so perfect for me is...
#10. He loves me.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Crazy Me!

I just realized what a crazy loon I can be sometimes. The other day I was doing car lighting and I went to the bathrom for a pee break. I was going back out and i went to open the door but a guy was on the other sde trying to get in so I stepped back so he could open the door but he motioned for me to open the door. So I strated opening it but right then he stepped up to open it too and I rammed right into him. Hee Hee! I felt so bad and he had this huge lump on his head from it.
Another time I was doing a car light and I was walking back, I was looking down on my can and rearranging my posters so i wasn't paying attention to what's in front of me and I walked right into telphone pole when I looked up there was a cop car right beside me and he was laughing his head off.
I guess the lord does these things to keep humble and help me realize I'm nothing without him. In fact with out him I'd probably be a mess. ( Wait I think it's a little too late for that.)Grin.

My little Love!

This is my little lovebug, I've taken care of him since he was this small. He's so big now, and so smart too. ( Yes, I am a dotting aunt. I just love nephews and nieces to much.)

Potty Training Blues!

No people fear not I am not potty training myself rather the adorable little munchin up there. I have recently taken up the challenge of potty training the litle guy after I realized that he will be three in about two months. I decided that three was just to old to be wearing diapers, so I took up the challenge and I realized why he is not potty trained. Potty trianing is exchausting annoying and sometimes just down right yucky. I'm not only trying to train him to use the potty but also the whole home to put him there. I find myself more often than not walking around the house asking whoevers with him if they put him on the potty yet. And then going back every five minutes and reminding them. But you know what, I am sure that once I have suceeded potty training will be a breeze. ( This is me wishfully thinking.)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

No sprained ankles.

Well that is were I will spending the next few weeks of my life. At traffic lights, I have no sprained ankle and i have not fallen deathly ill so like it or not i'm off to the city till christmas eve. Well, hopefully people are feeling the love of the season and will be exceptionally nice. PTL!

Its here again!

Well its here again christmas has once again burst upon us bring with it joy, cheer, good will to all men, and in my part of the world tons and tons of snow. Christmas always gives me this warm fuzzy feeling inside I guess it the majic of the season of something. I love christmas its brings back so many memories of waking up christmas morning to find that mom and dad had been hard at work filling our stockings and wrapping presents. I remember sitting around the living room christmas eve and reading the old christmas story that really can never lose it beauty or charm. I remember watching my mom cooking a big christmas dinner and waiting for the day when i would be old enough to help her. I remember watching football after dinner and washing piles of dishes. Yes, christmas is a wonderful time of year!