Sunday, December 16, 2007

Crazy Me!

I just realized what a crazy loon I can be sometimes. The other day I was doing car lighting and I went to the bathrom for a pee break. I was going back out and i went to open the door but a guy was on the other sde trying to get in so I stepped back so he could open the door but he motioned for me to open the door. So I strated opening it but right then he stepped up to open it too and I rammed right into him. Hee Hee! I felt so bad and he had this huge lump on his head from it.
Another time I was doing a car light and I was walking back, I was looking down on my can and rearranging my posters so i wasn't paying attention to what's in front of me and I walked right into telphone pole when I looked up there was a cop car right beside me and he was laughing his head off.
I guess the lord does these things to keep humble and help me realize I'm nothing without him. In fact with out him I'd probably be a mess. ( Wait I think it's a little too late for that.)Grin.


Kelsey Noble said...

Hahaha, That's so funny! Hey I walked into something like that before too, it knocked me flat on my back. Love you Tiff!